The rules are simple:
Eat only natural food that is produced locally. If not local, then from your district. Eat seasonally. Spices, tea and coffee are the only items that should have a passport...

Easy food takes less than 30 minutes to make but is nutritious as well as delicious. The longer you cook food, and the more you change it, the unhealthier it becomes.
You shouldn't buy processed food and you certainly should make it!

Feel free to use these recipes for yourself, but please don't copy them or add them to another blog, etc. Please don't copy any photos.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pork patty

 Hamburger patties are easy to make but they usually include breadcrumbs and milk. I only want to use meat, vegetables and spices. If you make small patties there is a risk they will be dry - the answer? Make a big one!

1. Roughly chop 1 brown onion.
2. Put the onion, one clove of garlic, pink peppercorns, and fresh herbs into a food processor.
(chives, sage, rosemary, thyme). Whiz until onion is very small.
3. Remove onion.
4. Put two small packs of 100% pork mince into the processor and whiz until sticky.
5. Put the onion back in and add one egg. Whiz 10 seconds.
6. Heat olive oil in a pan.
7. Lightly cook one apple, green negi leek and thyme. Remove.
8. Put the meat mix into the pan in one big patty. Press the middle down.
9. Cook on both sides until done.

I cut it into quarters and we ate a quarter each for dinner. The other two quarters went into our lunch boxes for the next day.

It does take a few times to get used to eating this type of meat patty instead of one made with breadcrumbs. My type is "meatier" but is still very juicy. Of course, it is healthier and lower in carbohydrate.

Apple is very good with pork. Many people would have some kind of apple sauce, but real apple is simpler, faster and healthier. Cooking it with the green part of the negi leek gives it a nice savory fragrance. The apple is also nice cold in a lunch box.

When cooking, I try to use the least number of items. In this case, just a knife, cutting board, food processor, one bowl, and one pan.

Cook the vegetables in the pan first, while preparing the meat. (I cooked green beans in water in the pan before adding oil and cooking the apples.)

Red turnips

Recently I bought something from the farmer's shop expecting it to be a kind of beet (beetroot), but when I cut them I found out they were red turnips.

This meant suddenly thinking of something new to cook. Simple and easy is best, so here is the recipe:

1. Peel and quarter turnips.
2. Cover with water in a small pan.
3. Add one sachet of organic vegetable stock.
4. Simmer until just soft.
5. Remove the turnip.
6. Simmer the stalks until just soft.

 The stalks were nice too, a bit like crunchy spinach. I ate those as a side dish. The turnips went into my lunch box for the next day.

By using a small pan, and only a little water, you won't lose all the nutrients into the liquid. In the final photo, you can see there is only enough water remaining to cover the bottom of the pot.