The rules are simple:
Eat only natural food that is produced locally. If not local, then from your district. Eat seasonally. Spices, tea and coffee are the only items that should have a passport...

Easy food takes less than 30 minutes to make but is nutritious as well as delicious. The longer you cook food, and the more you change it, the unhealthier it becomes.
You shouldn't buy processed food and you certainly should make it!

Feel free to use these recipes for yourself, but please don't copy them or add them to another blog, etc. Please don't copy any photos.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Free range eggs

What kind of eggs do you eat? For the past five years or more, I've only bought free range eggs. 

These eggs taste wonderful. I get them from the small farmer's shop near my house. From memory, I think they are 210yen for six. They taste so good that I can't eat any other eggs nowadays. Anyway, I think keeping chickens in tiny cages is horrible and cruel, so I refuse to eat regular eggs. I also won't buy regular chicken meat.

Please think about where your food comes from and how it is raised. If everyone was a little more thoughtful, we'd all be much healthier and the world would be a much nicer place. Industrial farming is horrible for the animals and will end up killing YOU slowly. 

The picture of the chickens is from another place that sells eggs. Those ones are also nice but more expensive and the shop is a little far. 

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