The rules are simple:
Eat only natural food that is produced locally. If not local, then from your district. Eat seasonally. Spices, tea and coffee are the only items that should have a passport...

Easy food takes less than 30 minutes to make but is nutritious as well as delicious. The longer you cook food, and the more you change it, the unhealthier it becomes.
You shouldn't buy processed food and you certainly should make it!

Feel free to use these recipes for yourself, but please don't copy them or add them to another blog, etc. Please don't copy any photos.

Monday, November 1, 2010

White fish soup

I had the inspiration for this soup from making Japanese "nabe" (a dish cooked in an earthen-ware dish on the table). Nabe are almost always water based, but white fish goes well with milk, especially for people who don't like a fishy smell. Soy milk can be substituted for milk.

1. Put 2 tablespoons of good quality olive oil in a pan. Turn on the gas to low-medium heat. (Point: oil olive burns easily so don't make it too hot. You can use other oil like canola, but olive oil is healthier.)
2. Add two cloves of chopped or crushed garlic.
3. Add one half of an onion, thinly sliced.
4. While the garlic and onion are frying on LOW HEAT, do the next steps. You should stir the pan sometimes.
5. Slice some potatoes very thinly. (About 2mm, with a hand-held slicer). Add the potatoes to the oil and mix. Be careful not to break the slices.
6. Cut the ends off some green beans and cut them into 3cm pieces. Add to the pan and toss in the oil.
7. Add half of a very thinly sliced carrot. (Again I use the slicer.)
8. Add about a 5mm slice of butter. This is to give extra depth and fragrance to the soup. To cut calories, skip this step.
9. Add some milk a little at a time while mixing, about 700ml in total. DO NOT BOIL IT!!!
10. Add two fillets of white fish. I like cod (tara) and I rinse the fillets under water first. Cook on a low heat for a few minutes until the fish becomes white. DO NOT BOIL!

The total time from start to finish is less than 15 minutes because I prepare the next thing while the first things are cooking.
This is delicious served with a simple green salad. You can use salmon fillets for variation or add a pinch of curry powder to the cod soup. It is also nice the next day for breakfast! If you make it thick like stew, using a roux, you can change it into gratin by putting it in a baking dish, adding cheese to the top and baking. Or put the stew on top of toast, add some cheese and bake it.