The rules are simple:
Eat only natural food that is produced locally. If not local, then from your district. Eat seasonally. Spices, tea and coffee are the only items that should have a passport...

Easy food takes less than 30 minutes to make but is nutritious as well as delicious. The longer you cook food, and the more you change it, the unhealthier it becomes.
You shouldn't buy processed food and you certainly should make it!

Feel free to use these recipes for yourself, but please don't copy them or add them to another blog, etc. Please don't copy any photos.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Chinese yam and chicken/tomato stew

I never knew that what I call "mountain potato" is actually Chinese yam. In Japan, there are two types of "mountain potato" - yama imo (literally 'mountain potato', and just "yam" in English) and naga imo (literally 'long potato', and "Chinese yam" in English.

Neither of these are anything like American yams.

There are many ways to cook it, and you can eat it raw. Here I have cooked it with chicken, using the fat from the chicken to crisp up the potatoes like Japanese style fries :)

Chinese Yam Fries
1. Put boneless chicken pieces in a pan, skin side down.
2. Scrub a piece of yam, slice into 1.5cm slices.
3. When the chicken fat is starting to coat the pan, add the yam.
4. Cook yam until golden on both sides.
5. Turn the chicken.

Chicken and Tomato Stew
1. Cook chicken as above.
2. While it is cooking, chop vegetables you want to use. In this case, 2 small eggplants, one young green onion, piece of negi leek.
3. Add veggies to pan. Toss in the chicken oil.
4. Add a glass lid and cook for a few minutes.
5. Cover with a can of chopped tomatoes.
6. Simmer for 5 minutes.


Have you ever tried fresh horseradish? I found it about a month ago at my local vegetable shop. One of the reasons I like the shop is they have a lot of unusual things not normally grown in Japan.

I'd eaten horseradish from a jar, or as a powder that was made into a paste, same as mustard, but never fresh. You really should try it because the flavor is SO good!

I grated it and put it on the top of beef. Just beef and horseradish - no salt or sauce was necessary. I can understand why it is called Western wasabi in Japanese, because the heat is felt in your nose, rather than in your mouth like chili pepper. 

Dinner was just the beef, roasted tomatoes and "bunapi" mushrooms and negi leek sauteed in olive oil. I cooked the mushrooms/leek first, then the beef after that. The oil in the pan was enough so I didn't add more for the beef.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My local vegetable shop

I buy almost all my vegetables and fruit from this small vegetable shop near my house.

The shop is owned by a young farmer, and his friends who are also farmers sell their produce there, too.

They are not certified organic, but use no chemicals or as little as they can. But best of all, the veggies are REALLY fresh and taste great. They taste like vegetables should taste like :) Sometimes the produce is damaged by frost, etc, but it still tastes nice! I much prefer imperfect vegetables than beautiful ones from a supermarket that have no taste.

Another thing we learn from shopping here is which vegetables and fruits are truly in season. Of course, summer has many more choices, but it is important to eat the foods in season and not eat many imported foods. So even though I love red and yellow bell peppers, I have to wait until the summer to eat them :(

Some fruit such as the oranges you can see in the photo, do come from another prefecture, such as somewhere in Shikoku, but everything else is local. This is also the same shop where I buy the free-range eggs - direct from Mr. Hozomi's chickens every day.

This basket full of produce cost 2, 620 yen. This week was a little more expensive than usual because I bought strawberries and some citrus fruit.

Here is what I got:
12 eggs, 2 packs of spinach, stick of mountain potato, lettuce, tomatoes, rape-blossom greens, horse-radish, turnips, baby potatoes, shallots, Chinese cabbage, lemons, kumquats.